Sunday, April 22, 2007




Human Mind vs Godmind

Good day Everyone!

In the course of a day, how many times do you think that there is a vast difference between what human mind perceives and what Godmind is?

We have been taught everything in human mind. We have been socialized, educated, homogenized.
That's why people in different regions of the planet think about things differently. We are schooled to think like our fellows, which, of course, gives rise to the many prejudices that abound.

But if in the course of life one could pause and perhaps wonder at all what Godmind thinks about this or that particular issue, then there would ensue a giant blank, a pause a quiet.

The idea of being here and growing one's soul or consciousness is to elevate it to that of Godmind. To see the highest perspective possible. That pure, high, fast frequency of love.
God includes, never excludes. It is, after all, all God. What is created outside of God is human mind. Human mind considers that there is something lacking, wrong, broken, sick, in need of.
In Godmind, there is All, the fullness thereof.

Within each and every person on the planet is that equal measure of God. That which is equal in everyone, our God-chip. That which animates and enlivens each of us. That which is the full potential of each of us. It delights in our diversity of thought. It enjoys that some like to ride horses, have sheep races, paint, poet, blast a trombone, dig in the garden, gather antiquities.
It LOVES to love. It loves to create, anything, everything.

It is for us to spiritualize the human mind, which is to say make it unafraid. The act of intending this, sitting in the quiet and allowing It to unfold within us, this is applied spirituality. Humans think of things in black and white, either/or. Godmind is AND, all inclusive with no fear.

What might this world look like if everyone knew his own sovereignty about what comes in and goes forth from his "unit". What might it all look like if we understood this law. Fear Not we are told. Then why do we doubt this? Why do we choose to believe some thing and toss others? Applied Spirituality is knowing your Oneness and in that there is no fear, no doubt, no other.

Sit, be still and receive. We are so busy "sending" or praying we never shut up long enough to hear that still small voice uttering its assurances. We are One with It, with each other. We have absolute voice in what we experience. Wouldn't you like to understand how your "unit" operates and become a black belt at your own unit? Life is skippity do dah in connection with It, in Oneness. That is everyone's sole work, no other. From there is a vista you cannot image with your human mind.

Practice. Persist. Apply. Show up for your quiet Oneness daily and just listen and receive.

Thanks for reading! k

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

MLM and Spirituality

Hello Folks,

Long time. I fell into the "get your taxes done" hole. And then, lost the envelope. Sigh.
I like to notice trends and link them with spirituality. So here's one for you. I'll build the argument that comes into my thoughts.

The nature of spirit, each one of us no exceptions, is free. That particularly we here in America like. But it is true of everyone. Our founding fathers just happened to be "inspired" at the writing of our documents to understand that to be absolutely fundamental to this new nation, this experiment call America. So. The True Nature of each and every single one of us is FREE. The drive to be FREE is always pushing, niggling, shoving at times to get us off the dime and onto being.....FREE.

Now, mostly here in America we are free. We can drive across country without visas, etc. We can change jobs, career, wear pretty much what we want, vote, get the idea. But we are so free that we can literally create our own prison. WE can choose to stay a job that we don't like; we can choose to veg in front of the tv for 6 hours an evening; we can choose anything we want, including our freedom. Ah, you say, who wouldn't choose freedom?

Millions upon millions work at jobs they hate or are unfulfilled at because....they choose "security" over adventure. And to me, "security" and "safety" are the ultimate temptations where millions of us sell our souls for pennies on the dollar. Well, then comes the enslavement to "just-over-broke"( J.O.B. )We never have enough money. We go into debt. Now, it feels like we can't make a move, even if we wanted to and well, that would certainly take a whole lot of effort; and what if it didn't pay off???

In comes MLM. Multi Level Marketing. Something we can all do in the nooks and crannies of our lives. And along comes the internet, which we can all learn and have access to (courtesy of your Public Library). Now, here's where it gets really cool.

When John and Jane Doe make their OWN financial independence utilizing their own brain, creativity, and a solid MLM company or other the nooks and crannies of their busy lives, determining to become FREE of the tyranny of the JOB and not enough money. Whew!
Then you are going to see some HUGE changes in this country. For starters, I'm sure hoping Con Agra is put out of business for small, organic farmers who sell, back to whole food sans poison. Now that alone just might put the medical establishment on the skids, not to mention the pharmaceutical companies...whoa! And let's see, higher quality products and better customer service (oh, please no more phone trees); because MLM companies cut out the distributors and have usually a much higher quality product. How fun. I buy organic beef from you and you buy organic garlic from me - direct. Wow. And guess what, I'm not only healthier, making new friends all over the globe, but I am now financially INDEPENDENT. Who cares if Wall Street opens or not. Watch out corporate America, we've been snoozing, but we're about to wake up and Remember Who WE REally ARE!!!

In fifty years, maybe less we will see such changes and more that I can't conjure up right now. But I tell you this, and take this to the bank: when John and Jane Doe realize they are CREATORS and not employees (otherwise known as slaves), when they are financially solvent in their own right and realize they never needed that JOB....this country, this world will be a thing of beauty to behold.

I'll tell more about these trends tomorrow. In the meantime, find Frank Capra's movie, MEET JOHN DOE.....and watch it!

Thanks for reading! k

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Wednesday, April 4, 2007

An Act of Applied Spirituality

I had to do another blog once I read this story. You might wonder how Applied Spirituality might look in the world? Read the story.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the President of Iran has released the British sailors with the following comment:

"On the occasion of the birthday of the great prophet (Muhammad) ... and for the occasion of the passing of Christ, I say the Islamic Republic government and the Iranian people — with all powers and legal right to put the soldiers on trial — forgave those 15," he said, referring to the Muslim prophet's birthday on March 30 and the Easter holiday.

This is a glimpse into how different things might be if Love were allowed in the hearts at the table.

Thanks for reading! k

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The Power of One

Good Day Everyone!

Every year during Easter week I am in another place of consciousness. I have often wondered why we don't have Good Friday off to contemplate, to reflect, to be inspired and reminded of the power of one life.

To my mind Christmas is nothing compared to Easter, the promise of a resurrected life. Yours and mine. He came and taught us love. Simply love. That was his entire message. Yet does love enter the negotiations in the middle east? Is love brought to the floor of the Senate or Congress? I love brought into every decision made in the White House? Do you bring love with you to work? When you're driving on the freeway or standing in the grocery line?

Where is love when you're arguing about something with someone? Where is love when you allow judgement or hatred to fill your heart? He taught us to love. I believe it was St. Paul who said he was "a fool for love". Are you willing to be a fool for love?

There is nothing more important. Nothing. With love all things are possible. All circumstances are changed and transformed. Why? Love is Who We Really Are. Powerful, vast, infinite beings of Love. That's why you touch your heart when you are moved or when you hear Truth. The God-chip in you - Love- is vibrating and delighting to match the same vibration without in the physical world. That's how you know everything - by how it feels. Love simply feels good because it is Who We Are. And anything less than that is a let down to pain.

I encourage you to watch the movie on the link that I have provided, but remember that He came to show us, remind us who we are - God, itself, here in physical form. Applied spirituality is about boldly bringing that Love right down into the very moment you are in, using it , flowing it, breathing it, living it, allowing it into every facet of your life every single moment of every single day.

I dare you to try it. You will be stunned.

Thanks for Reading! k

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Monday, April 2, 2007

Citizens, not Consumers

Good Day All That Is!

A friend of mine asked the question, "When did we become consumers rather than citizens?"
I hadn't noticed, but in thinking about it, she is correct. Used to be we were referred to in the media as citizens. That's a powerful word. According to the Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged a

citizen is 1. a native or naturalized member of a state of nation who owes allegiance to its government and is entitled to its protection; 2. an inhabitant of a city or town. And citizenship is 1. the state of being vested with the rights, privileges and duties of a citizen; 2. the character of an individual viewed as a member of society; behavior in terms of the duties, obligations, and functions of a citizen.
Whereas a consumer is 1. one who or that which consumes. 2. one who uses a commodity or service; 3. an organism, usually an animal that feeds on plants or other animals.

Whew! Now that's a powerful shift from being someone who is of character with a sense of belonging to a community with rights, privileges and duties to someone who simply uses things up with no contribution or creativity.

We are what we say we are. Language matters, as all words have vibrations to them. You can feel the difference in the words used. Being referred to a consumers is tantamount to pigs at the trough. Worse, it doesn't have any of the qualities of contribution, creation and citizenship.

When did we stop being citizens? We are citizens of the places and communities we inhabit, of this country and of this world and even this Universe. When we are referred to as consumers we loose a sense of place, belonging and co-creation with all our fellows.

We probably stopped being citizens about the time there stopped being statesmen in our government.

We are profound beings, divine of origin. Check out the iceberg photo and imagine it turned upside down. Now the tip of the iceberg is on the bottom, as you in the body on earth, the expansive huge mass is now at the top reaching into space and eternity....that is who You Really Are. A giant being, eternal and infinite with a finite body on the ground. You are citizen of the Universe, of all of Heaven, of this great experiment called America and of the town you live in. We are connected and co-creators.

I call on the media to resume our status as citizens so that we might be reminded of our infinite potential, our vast ability to create and contribute, and our ability to respond to each other and ourselves.

Thanks for reading! k


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