Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Truth or Dare: The Change We Seek is Truth


Hello Folks,

This afternoon I see there is another brouhaha with Pastor Wright and Senator Obama at the center once again.

This is good stuff. Not for the reasons you might think, but for getting the "pink elephant" in the middle of America's living room finally out in the open.

What's the elephant? Americans don't trust their own government. We doubt the veracity, the sincerity and the substance of what we are told. We doubt that the government, our politicians, and most certainly the lobbyists have anything of the greater good in mind at all.

Reverend Wright simply has the "audacity" to speak his mind. For this I applaud him. I wish with all my wee heart that he wasn't so bent on "black" liberation, but would include all of us in his bid for more freedom, truth and joy in America.

The truth of the matter is that it has been a very, very long time since Americans believed in or believed their government. I think maybe "politician and lobbyist" might have sunk below the lawyer and used car salesman bid for the lowest of the low.

If Senator Obama represents change, and I certainly hope that he does, then isn't the primary change we, the citizens MUST insist on, is a firm and absolute dedication to the utter and complete truth, no matter how awful it might be?

Senator Obama can seize the day right now and THANK Reverend Wright for bringing up the issue of lying in America. He can also use the platform of "black liberation" and use that to expand on the notion to "freedom for all Americans" from lying, manipulation and self-serving interests - corporate, political or individual.

So, here it is folks, like the child in the family that just blurts out the truth in front of company, Reverend Wright speaks it as it is. He doesn't trust the government. Do you?

I know I don't; and the sequel to that one is with all my heart I believe in an America where we both can and do. I believe it is possible, even probable. It starts with you and me. We insist on it.
We ask Senator Obama to champion the change we want most - the unvarnished Truth.

When we start telling the Truth here in America, then the issues we're distracted with - health care, the economy, oil, you name it - then we can Really Solve Them together.

Thanks for reading!


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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Doom, Doom, Doom: Had Enough Yet?


Good morning everyone!

The above links are just two items that were in my face this morning as I went to check my e-mail on Yahoo. I didn't go digging for these. There they were headlines. The first talks about how the human race perhaps nearly went extinct 70,000 years ago. The second urges us to stockpile food. Ye gads, shoot me now!

Personally, folks, I've had enough of the fear, the doom and the negative. We have become a downward spiraling thought form. And this, dear reader, will lead us down the drain.

We create what we are experiencing. We create every single bit of it. Like it or not, believe it or not, it is so.

Common sense teaches us that if something hurts, we stop doing it. Does it not?
I mean, if you are sitting on an anthill and they bite your butt, do you not jump up and get off the anthill?

If you touch something hot, don't you pull your hand away immediately? If you are experiencing a painful thought, don't you eventually seek to turn your thoughts to something better and give yourself relief?

So when are we going to be sick to death of the fear mongering in the news and stop listening, stop contributing to the perpetuation of the negative and turn ourselves towards solutions and joy and feeling like the Creators that we are.

I am certain that history will write of this time as the Second Dark Ages. We have been led like a flock of sheep into the negative thinking abyss. And it is a spiral downward with no place to go.
Perhaps this will eventually be felt by the mass of us as "ENOUGH!" and then we will take our hands off the hot burner and look for the salve.

Every moment we spend fearing; every thought spent worrying; every single second spent in lack builds the experience of the same thing. What is more, that is the same amount of time that is NOT spent in joy, not spent in creating something new, and NOT finding a solution, creating something better than what currently is.

Why do we think that there is nothing more coming except bad? What happened to the joy?
What happened to optimism? What happened to Faith? There's is infinite good awaiting, coming, and to be experienced!

There is always more good. In fact, there is an infinite supply of good. But there is also an infinite supply of the bad if that is what we are choosing to call forth.

This is about each of us, individually and therefore collectively, creating everything we truly want or else creating everything we fear to experience. If we are dwelling on what we dread to experience daily, billions of us, then we will definitely have the experience, as we are building it as a thought form and then the actual physical manifestation.

We shift this one person at a time. You. Me. Each one of us refuses to dwell in the darkness. In that moment when you spot the headline, you refuse to buy in. You turn the TV off, and turn your thought and actions to the opposite. We begin thinking of the way we want to experience Life. We envision the green, lush planet. Nourishing rains, fertile fields, and bountiful crops of lovely organic foods. And from this place of vision, we act.

We appreciate this day what is so perfectly in harmony: the sun has come up, the spring has arrived, the birds and bees are active and happy. We see what is so good already and start pulling more and more on that thread. Look around you, see past the appearances of doom, and dare yourself to appreciate what is so fine, so good, so wonderful. Now build your thoughts from THAT platform and take your actions in that direction.

This is not just a daily practice, but a moment to moment practice. Putting the puppy back on the paper, I call it. "I will keep thee in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Me." Me is Goodness, the Infinite Supply, the Universal Good.

We get to choose where we place our focus. We are absolutely sovereign in this, for no one can interfere with our personal FREE WILL to choose where to place our powerful focus. Where we are placing our focus is where we will manifest.

Think carefully. Choose wisely. Like it or not, you are the Creator of your own experience, AND you are a collective co-Creator with the rest of us. Buy in to the lack and fear - or - NOT. Clearly your choice. I can hear you saying, "But they know. You can't ignore the FACTS!"

My answer to you is this: Why not? What useful purpose does it serve for me to get depressed or turn my thoughts to the dark? I can't get sad enough to help you over your sadness. I can't get poor enough to help you become wealthy. I can't get depressed enough to help you out of your doom.

Wake UP People! "THEY" don't know any more than you do. In fact, they may know less; all they have is the press, the media. But we have FREE WILL. We can turn the tide of anything when we finally realize how powerful we are in our sovereignty to individually choose what and where we choose to place our focus...our spirit...our Godchip.

It's up to You. How much more pain do you want before you choose to create the joy? Take you hand off the bloody stove for Goodness sake.

Thanks for Reading!


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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Focus: Applied Spirit

James 2:24 (King James Version)

24Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.

Good Day Everyone,

Well, the tax man has cometh and gone! Whew. Glad that's passed and onto "onwards and upwards". Which brings me to my topic for today. Applied Focus.

As most of you know, I am NOT a Biblical Scholar. I don't think I've ever read it all the way though. But often times a passage comes to me unbidden, as I'm "asking" a question internally. So I love to look them up and see what instructions are there for this earthly walk.

My knowing is that this life here on earth is a very practical walk, and that my spirit loves the opportunity to be here and have a body! It's the practical mastery of how we get things done and create exactly what we want that occupies a lot of my focus. The "how" of it.

Lately as I am learning a new skill set for my career (technology) and marketing, I have found myself overwhelmed with the amount of new information and the time to do everything I need and want to get done.

Several options have been offered. One mentor supplied a "tracker" all beautifully created on an excel spreadsheet so that I can put in the 5 daily tasks to get done and the 5 daily habits that I want to encourage. At the end of the day I get to score myself and see if I've gotten it done, and then worse, on time.

It's an interesting tool to see where one tends to wiggle - or play. I for example do NOT like to be nailed into a specific time to get a thing done, but prefer to have my 12 hours to move freely from task to task. I prefer a more "organic" movement to my day. This is something of another experiment. Because I don't believe it matters how you organize it, what really counts is can I bring the fullness of my "pure, positive focus" to bear on my task at that moment in time.

In James2 2:24 we are told that faith without works is dead. I find a much broader meaning in this phrase as instructions to us on how to apply our spirit to our daily life no matter what the focus we have chosen.

So we begin with a desire to do something, create something anew. This I have. I check the first box on the list.

Secondly we then have to believe that this can be done, despite the facts that we perhaps don't have the requisite skills at the moment, need people or things that we can't possibly know at the moment or how they might arrive, and perhaps even, we need even the energy to get this thing done or even begin it. So fortunately all we have to do at this point is muster up the faith. A belief in things unseen. I check that box too.

For me this step sounds like "I know my good is at play. I know that I create the whole of my own reality. I know I have asked; and It is given." This is the platform for a new creation. The belief that I can and that I am supported by all creation. It is the way it works. I check the next box.

The next step in this creative masterpiece is the acquisition of the necessary skills to "do" what it is I have set forth. With the faith and belief that I can, that all I need will be placed perfectly in my path as I require it, I then, begin the necessary doing. I learn. I practice. I physically commence doing the certain things that are the logical next steps to creating what it is I want. I use my rational thinking mind to discern the steps. I check the next box.

Learning and doing are where we apply the focus.

Let's talk a bit about focus for just a minute. Focus is a really great word, because it almost sounds like what it means.

fo·cus [ fṓkəss ]
noun (plural fo·cus·es or fo·ci [ fṓ s ])


1. main emphasis: concentrated effort or attention on a particular thing
The committee's focus must be on finding solutions to the problem.

2. (plural fo·cus·es) area of concern: an area of concern, responsibility, or investigation
an inquiry with a narrow focus

3. concentrated quality: a concentrated and unified quality
to bring focus to the problem


So, focus is concentrated effort and attention with a unified quality. This is where I have all my powers right here right now. This is where, when I use my free will (decide to, discipline myself to, direct my focus at my insistence for me) to pay attention to this certain task at my hand with the full, pure positive undivided focus of my energy - my Spirit. The energy of my focus that runs through me is the same energy that creates worlds.

So in my now moment I have chosen by my free will to apply my Energy, and to focus it. I check the next box.

How I do this matters as well. I can be trying to multi task, in which case I will dissipate my focused energy or I can bring my full, undivided attention to bear on this task, loose myself in the task and go right into the zone. Here, with my Energy fully focused, lost in the Zone with my full absorption is where the magic happens. Hours turn to minutes. I learn and retain with amazing speed and clarity.

The next step is the application in focus of this new skill, the practicing of this new skill. Once again I am "applying" my focus (attention/Energy) to the new skill. If I pay a pure positive attention to this application, once again I slip into the Zone and the magic happens. I get Good at what I'm applying mySelf to.

Faith, believing I can do anything I set my mind (focus) to and then the works, which is the suiting up and showing up for the adventure of learning and creating something new. The practice: keeping the "naysayers" at bay in my human mind. "Thanks for sharing, guys, but could you please take that OUTside. Right now I'm busy, happily focusing on this task, this practice, this new skill and while I'm not a pro at it yet, I'm having a really good time learning something new."

We are not "justified" by anything. We need not be justified. We are here! We get to be here! In the body, on planet earth, and we get to create anything we want. The power is in the pure, positive application of the focus of my Energy - my Godchip - my Source Self who is really lovin' every minute of this new adventure.

So get thee behind me, human mind. Get out of My way and take with you your miserable doubts and fears. I have joyous and raucous and boisterous and bodacious creations to manifest, and I cannot be bothered with the diminishing or the division of my Focus Spirit. It goes where I say, as I am sovereign in all things pertaining to me.

This dog wags the tail here, not the tail waggin' the dog.

I think I'll just get about this new creation with great focus and for the pure unadulterated joy of it. Let's just see what I can do next....

Thanks for Reading!


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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Self Reliance

"Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events. Great men have always done so, and confided themselves childlike to the genius of their age, betraying their perception that the absolutely trustworthy was seated at their heart, working through their hands, predominating in all their being. And we are now men, and must accept in the highest mind the same transcendent destiny; and not minors and invalids in a protected corner, not cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides, redeemers, and benefactors, obeying the Almighty effort, and advancing on Chaos and the Dark."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essay on Self-Reliance


Good Day Everyone!

Seems we will continue today on the heels of the last blog with the theme of speaking your Truth.

I came across Emerson's essay on Self Reliance and chose to quote a paragraph which I have included above. How might you question does this have to do with Applied Spirituality?

Everything, I answer you. Everything.

"the absolutely trustworthy was seated at their heart, working through their hands, predominating in all their being"

The absolute trustworthy is your Godchip, your direct, intimate connection and link with Source. Source of what? Truth. Love. Good. Wisdom. Light. The absolute trustworthy of you is exactly how you are "made in his image" and how we are "all created equal". This Still Small Voice speaks to you softly and quietly, and is only heard if it is your intention to hear It. Your intention is such that you hear it. Your ears whilst listening to all the noise in the world are tuned inward to hear the Truth. This Godchip of which each of us is the possessor is Who We Really Are. It speaks through our hearts, if we are listening with our hearts and not our ears and our heads. This Godchip of yours works through your head if you allow it, then through your arms to create something. And will predominate your being, if you but allow It over the
crush of the human mind, the noise, the chaos. To be glad you have lived at the end of yours days will be determined if you have but lived by listening to your own Godchip and thus living the life of Real.

This morning a friend sent me a link and I had the opportunity to listen to a woman named Naomi Wolf, author of The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjALf12PAWc

I actually listened to her entire speech on YouTube. It matters not that I agree or disagree with Ms. Wolf, what matter is this is someone who is following the guidance of her heart - her Godchip and speaks her truth. Much the same as Pastor Wright. Following that I clicked on another link, that of Keith Olbermann of MSNBC. Once again I found another speaking his Truth with courage and eloquence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqxmPjB0WSs&NR=1

What matters, what is significant, are these people who are participating, from their hearts (Godchip) and speaking their Truth.

These are interesting times when John and Jane Doe are awakening from their slumber, their lemming-like behavior of following along with what "they" are doing. Believing "they" will protect me, "they" know best, "they have my best interests at heart" and "they are taking care of it". "They" are not protecting you. You protect you. "They do not know what's best for you. You know what's best for you. "They do not have your best interests at heart. Only you can know what is in your best interest. And "they" are not taking care of it. Only you can take care of it.

In record numbers we are seeing John and Jane Doe's waking up and contributing to political campaigns in increments of $25.00. In record numbers we are seeing John and Jane Doe's buying organic foods, even though they cost more. In record numbers we are seeing John and Jane Doe's picking up their own beds and walking on their own. Emerson would be proud.

Keep moving John and Jane Doe. You matter more now than ever before. Think for yourself. Act from your heart. Believe and know that you are endowed by your Creator with your very own Godchip which is providing guidance to you every moment of every day.

There is nothing to fear. There is nothing to worry about. Unless, of course, you are not listening within and following your own Guidance.

You might want to watch Frank Capra's movie, Meet John Doe. It's about us.

Thanks for reading!


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