Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Expansion: There's Always More

Hello Everyone,

In a time where the appearance is that everything seems to be contracting and shrinking, crumbling and failing, we can look to Nature to see the True Way of all things, including humans.

Yesterday on Yahoo News there was an article that showcases a discovery of over 1000 NEW SPECIES on the planet.

"It doesn't get any better than this," Stuart Chapman, director of WWF's Greater Mekong Programme, was quoted as saying in a statement by the group. "We thought discoveries of this scale were confined to the history books."

This illuminates for us two things: there's always more and our good is always at play, even though it may appear to the contrary.

The Universe and the World that we live in are limitless, contrary to popular human belief, which is the point. Our outdated and antiquated human beliefs out of limited human thinking are being challenged to change, expand and grow into the divine and limitless beings that we are.

I have often noticed how Truth is learned in the paradox and irony of life. Here we look at a crashing economy and numerous other "negative" news, but up pops an article that is to remind us to LET GO old thinking and allow the expansion into Infinite Possibilities.

Certainly this is not the time to constrict and contract, thinking safety and security first. It is the exact time to expand and grow.

Recently I took a trip to Ohio in preparation for moving there at the first of the year. In some ways it is "going home" but not exactly to the places where I grew up. I visited a small rural town called Rittman. Rumor has it that my great grandparents lived for a time in Rittman, as great grandfather worked for the railroad. Rittman today is home to Morton Salt and other smaller businesses, but definitely reflects an impoverished community limited by the thinking that pervades the town. One gets a sense of enduring something until they don't have to endure it any longer. What I saw was an empty paper box factory sitting right on the RR tracks ready to go...for a new paper box factory that now uses recycled paper and has gone green. Who else can see the possibilities for expansion and new opportunities? I made the suggestion to the realtor who was so gracious as to spend an hour with me showing me around her town.

On the plane flight from San Diego to Chicago my seat mate was relaying the story of a friend of his in Indiana who had been laid off from a car manufacturing plant, yet still receiving 90% of his salary. "Wow," I said. "What an opportunity. What is he doing with this once in a million chance?" My new friend shook his head, "Nothing. He's waiting to be called back to work."

I nearly drooled. To be supported at 90% of your former salary and have 40 hours a week freed up to do what I wanted to do would be heaven. This fellow could, if he had the consciousness to see, retool for a new career, study something he loved and find a brand new life waiting for him.

My grandmother used to say in every cloud there is a silver lining or it's always darkest just before dawn. Those two sayings identify the consciousness of "there's always more" and "our good is always at play". This is faith. This is Truth. This is the Infinite and Eternally Expanding Nature of Reality of which we are all part and parcel. You nor I have been excluded from all the Goodies; we can, however, exclude ourselves by clinging to the old limiting beliefs, dwelling and focusing on the negative, rather than shifting our focus internally and externally with the intention to see the Good, the Fullness, the Opportunities that lay at our feet.

In these times and the times ahead expect to see more things falling apart, in order to see the new opportunities open up. Will you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear and the consciousness to embrace the new?

It is all up to you. You have free will choice to focus where you choose.

Thanks for reading!


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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Change, Transformation and Life

Hello Everyone,

Go for it! Yep. Just go for it.

What is your "it"? What is unfinished business that you need to clean up? What the heck are you waiting for? Get on with it, now.

In these kind of times where everything seems to be in disarray, now is the time to go for your dream. Why? Because nobody knows what is going to come or going to happen, and that is because we are creating it as we go. We all are, you and me, by what we choose.

There is no "it's meant to be" stuff. Nothing except your joy and expansion are meant to be. This is because 1. the nature of your True Being is joy and freedom and 2. no one else is creating for you, unless of course you are creating by default riding in the slip stream of vibration watching from the peanut gallery as a voyeur of life.

Look at it this way: this time, right now, is your life. If you're "waiting" for something, you're passively allowing others to create the movie that you're only watching from the sidelines.

Of course, if you are enjoying this - keep on keeping on. However, if you aren't even aware that you're just watching Life and not participating in it, well then, for heaven's sake snap out of it.

Here's the deal: one day you will pass on from this plane of existence. Everyone will and does. The real question is on that day, in that moment when it is just You and you will you have a giant smile on your face saying to yourself, "That was great! I had a blast! Well done to me! I'm ready for what is next." Or will you be clinging to your last breath saying, "Oh no, I'm not ready. I didn't get to....."

The world is undergoing a consciousness expansion which will be characterized in each and every life as a return to Quality and Real. Those are the hallmarks of why we came here and what constitutes a well-lived life. We feel satisfied and fulfilled when we are resonating with that Godchip within. That Godchip is the highest Quality and the Real of real; always feels Good and Fulfilling. Often the worldly success comes with It; but we don't get the worldly success without the Real and Quality.

We are coming to the closing days of 2008, a most amazing year in so many ways. It is a natural time to take stock, inventory, and evaluate the Quality and Real in your Life.

Take the time with yourSelf to do this. Ask yourSelf the hard questions. Make the personal changes. Make your criteria more Fulfillment, Quality and Real, then watch your life take off.

You have nothing to loose and everything to gain. A Real Life.

Thanks for reading!


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