Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Independent Life of Woody The Cat

Hello Everyone,

Sometimes I'm casting about for a topic, and then I realize I'm staring one right in the face. Our pets.

Some of the most amazing and illuminating moments of our lives are brought about by virtue of our pets. You see, often times where we cannot open our hearts to other humanoids, we can open our hearts to animals.

We won't debate here whether or not pets have "souls". I'll just state for the record that they definitely do. Although probably not in the sense that we think about it; but the Native Americans knew and still do, that the animal kingdom is part of God and that they serve us, well - if we are but listening and paying attention.

Which brings me to Woody the Cat, my pet. Woody has been with me since he was weened. His birthday is July 4, 2005. At the time Woody came to live with me, I was just moving into my newly built home in Descanso, Ca. The property was bordered on the rear by the Cleveland National Forrest and overlooked the Cuyamaca Rancho State Park. In short, he came to live in a place where few cats live beyond their first year. Amongst the "dangers" are mountain lions, coyotes, rattle snakes, bobcats and owls to name a few.

However, at every stage of his growing up, he had to be a cat. He would whine to go outside, to stay outside and be FREE!

Of course this set up a giant war within my human mind. What if? How can I? I have to protect him!

Alas, all my mental explantions to Woody the Cat about how I wanted him to be safe made nary a dent on his natural self - a cat. Clearly, it was I that would have to grow in consciousness in order to be able to give him the life he deserved. I had to learn to "let go" and know that he was in Well Being, with his own internal guidance, and above all - that his life was his own, not mine.

Woody and I have had many adventures. Well, it's more accurate to say that I've had many adventures because of his being Woody the Cat.

There was, of course, not one, but three encounters with rattle snakes. He likes to play with them. The time he got himself treed in my neighbors encampment with 13 Jack Russell terriers. And most recently, here in Ohio where he has become quite the ambassador of Good Will, greeting all the neighbors in their comings and goings. One night he got himself locked up in someone's garage.

At every Woody adventure, even when he's "overdue" to be home, his presence in my life serves to remind me to Trust. All is well. And his life is remarkably, his own.

The truth is, because I love him so much, I want him to have his own life. To do that, I have to grow in unconditional Love.

God bless our pets, who teach us such a concept.

Thanks for reading!


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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Following Your Bliss

Good Morning Everyone!

A gorgeous rainy day here in Ohio! Today I wanted to talk about following your joy. I did this morning, I went for a walk in the rain at Lake Medina. There's just something about walking in the summer rain that causes my heart to do a skipity do dah! Couple that with the lush foliage, the swans on the lake with the mist rising, and the sounds of the myriad birds - well, I'm a happy girl.

Often I find myself walking for more than the 3 miles, because I'm just being happy, engrossed in the joy of It. Time flies.

Here' a video of a young Koren lad, Sungha Jung with Ulli Boegershausen. This is what it looks like when you're following your bliss, doing what you Love and applying your spirit.

Be sure to watch until the very end and watch the two of them in sync, enjoying each other, the music, their skills, and playing together. They say a picture is worth a 1000 words, so I'll stop, except to say that these two Light Beings brought joy to me today, as well. That's what we do when we're in our bliss, following our Joy, and being Who We Really Are - we bless the world.

Today, for once, follow your bliss. It always, always feels Good. It's the God of you telling you, "By Jove, you've got It!"

Thanks for reading!


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Friday, June 5, 2009

Blessed Are the Peacemakers: Obama's Speech in Cairo

Good Morning Everyone!

In my life I have born witness to the Cold War, Vietnam, the Kuwait War, 9/11, the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and myriad other acts of violence and hatred. Always I have been told to accept that this is just a part of life.

Never have I accepted it as the way it has to be. Perhaps, it is the way it is, for now; but it is not the way it has to be.

I have included Present Obama's speech in Egypt here for you to listen to and view. He sees what I see; he knows what I know: that the way it is or has been, is only to give rise to the desire and dream for a better way.

We are the Creators of whatever we experience here on Earth. We have been given dominion of all that happens here on Earth by our choices and through our focus.

View the President's speech. Then read 1Corinthians 13. I provide it below.

1 Corinthians 13
1If I speak in the tongues[a] of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames,[b] but have not love, I gain nothing.

4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

8Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. 11When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 12Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

'Then' is now. In the evolution of mankind we have come to the time when it is time to grow up spiritually, from spiritual children to spiritual adulthood.

Why is love the greatest of these things? Because it is God expressing within you. You can only recognize love by the way it feels. This is the realization of Love is, which is the realization of God - which is who We Really Are.

This means realizing God in our human mind consciousness and carrying into our daily activities.

Let go of the ways of children and embrace your spiritual adulthood, which is the Consciousness of God.

Welcome the God Consciousness that is the same God of us all, which is Who We All Really Are.

E pluribus unium - From the many is One.

Thanks for reading!


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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Rising Above the Opposites: Reaching Out To the Muslim World

Hello Everyone!

The big news is our courageous President Obama traveling to the Mideast in an effort to open new dialogues with the Muslim World.

As I watched this clip of what others around the world are hoping for and then learned what President Obama hopes to accomplish, I began to form and idea of what we can do to help everyone concerned be successful.

A new way of communicating not just between the Muslim world and the West, but also with Israel is obviously in the best interests of everyone concerned: Westerner, Israelis and Muslims, not to mention the entire Well Being of the world.

This is a classic case of the appearance of opposites: oxymorons, things, concepts, ideas, people, ideologies that seem not to be able to live in the same sentence, let alone the same world.

But that is precisely the point, it is the only the appearance of things, but it is not True.

There is a way, and the way is rising above the opposites and finding a New Solution or Solutions that have never been thought before, never been seen before. The way, of course, is through Inspiration and Intention.

What we can do, is what I call "Holding The Space". To do this, you have to take your human mind out of its normal bouncing from issue to issue. They want this, we want that, they won't do this, or we have to do that. You leave that human mind endless debate and litany alone.

You take your mind UP into a space of nothingness. The place of All Possibilites and Pure, Infinite Potential. And then, you allow that emptiness even though you might not know what those solutions are or what ways this could happen. You allow that in this Space it is so.

Then, you keep your human mind stayed right there - holding the space that a win/win, peaceful, abundant way with easy, genuine dialogue is happening, being formed out of the Pure Potential. We are asking for a way; and it is being answered.

We allow that this is so; and we watch for the unfoldment of these events, even expecting them.

This is where the "magic" and the "miracles" happen.

And while you're at it, include the extremists in this peaceful and expansive meeting of the mind. When you are holding the space of all possibilities, it is just that - all possibilities. Include everyone in this Space.

This is where minds change, hearts open, and what looked like an impossibility comes to pass.

We are instructed to "pray for our enemies". This is how you do just that. You include them in the highest and best possibilities for all, because they are included in God just as we are. There is no situation on Earth when taken above the opposites, that does not have a real world solution in the Infinite Possibilities and Pure Potential of Source.

This is how a real citizen participates, whether you are a Citizen of the United States, Pakistan, Lebanon, Israel, Afghanistan, Gaza or Palestine. It costs nothing; but energetically creates a huge Energetic Field that is creating our new vision of a peaceful world, where everyone's wants and needs are met, and never at the expense of anyone else.

So, get on with it.Wherever you live, whoever you are, no matter your religious faith or politics, imagine a world where everyone gets what they want at the same time. Make this your prayer by Holding the Space of Infinite Possibilities.

Thanks for Reading!


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Monday, June 1, 2009

Ocean Wave Energy: An Abundant Gift from Nature

Good Morning Everyone!

In all the discussions about renewable and sustainable energy, how often have we heard anything about Ocean Wave Energy? I know I haven't.

This morning there's a really informative story in McClatchy News detailing the fact that the current proposed budget will cut research funding for this type of sustainable energy source in favor of an 86% increase in funding for solar and wind.

The article goes on to say that this technology is already being used in Europe and could be online in Puget Sound by 2011.

Seems to me that with America being blessed with two enormous lengths of coastline, and most of each coastline having the highest population densities, that this is a no brainer.

The technology was developed by Seabased AB, a Swedish company; and has projects considered, planned or installed in Spain, Portugal, Scotland, Ireland and Norway. There have also been discussions about projects in South Korea, the Philippines, India and Canada's Maritime provinces.

Still another company,OPT,is under contract with the US Navy right now for a similar technology to supply the Navy world wide.

I've traveled the United States by car many, many times and have seen the windmills. They are NOT attractive and they do change ground weather, not to mention being at the whimsy of the wind. Wind power has it's application in small projects, to be sure, but certainly not the large scale of supplying electricity to all of America.

Similarly, solar's draw backs are those batteries and solar panels. They're fine on roof tops, but to cover large portions of our deserts again means messing with the ecology of the desert and the life forms there. In defined applications, sun is appropriate, just as wind; but here's a solution that promises big return for the long haul.

And get this, the technology is - simple. Holy Toledo!

Let's keep it simple. Use our dollars wisely and put them where it makes Good Common Sense.

If you'd like to make comment to the White House about redirecting the dollars in sustainable energy research back to ocean wave technology, you can do so directly . I already have.

Put your two cents worth in! This is your government, and it's your tax dollars, so participate!

Thanks for reading!


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